In July, Conservation Allies, together with our dedicated partners in Madagascar and other leading conservation organizations, convened for our Protected Areas in Peril Forum amidst the lush forests of Andasibe, Madagascar. This pivotal week-long event focused on planning actionable advancements in conservation efforts and addressing the urgent issues facing Madagascar’s biodiversity.
The forum was not only a platform for strategic planning but also a rare and invaluable opportunity for many of our partners to meet face-to-face for the first time. In the spirit of collaboration and camaraderie, participants shared expertise, learned about conservation challenges faced in different regions of Madagascar, and forged new strategic partnerships. Despite the serious subject matter, the forum was filled with a sense of hope and renewed energy, as we all worked together toward our shared goal of safeguarding Madagascar’s unique wildlife.

During the event, we conducted SMART (Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool) and drone training sessions to enhance Madagascar’s conservation technology capabilities. Conservation networking and communications workshops were also held, strengthening collaborative efforts and outreach capabilities. Additionally, we took a day trip to Mitsinjo’s Protected Area, where we were lucky enough to see and hear the Indri, Madagascar’s largest lemur, in its natural habitat—a reminder of what we are fighting to protect.

A significant outcome of the forum was the unanimous decision to increase mixed brigade patrols, which integrate law enforcement with conservation efforts to stop the illegal activities contributing to Madagascar’s rapid deforestation. This approach has been shown to be highly effective and is crucial for protecting Madagascar’s unique species and ecosystems from further threat. By strongly prioritizing these joint patrols, we can increase the protection of Madagascar’s endangered wildlife and ensure the preservation of its rich biodiversity.

This forum represents a crucial advancement in our mission to safeguard Madagascar’s endangered wildlife. Through collaborative efforts and shared expertise, we are working towards realizing our collective vision of a sustainable future for the beautiful, one-of-a-kind island of Madagascar
Over 40 people attended the 5-day workshop in Adasibe. Organizations in attendance included:
Alliance Voahary Gasy (legal organization), Antrema Miray, ASITY Madagascar, Association Analasoa, Association Fosa, Association Fanamby, Association TAMIA, Association Mitsinjo, CURSA, Direction de l’Environnment ed du Developpement Durable (DREDD) Toliara, Durrell, Fondation pour les Aires Protegees et de la Biodiversite de Madagascar (FAPBM), Fikambanana Bongolava Maitso (FBM), GERP, IMPACT Madagascar, Lemur Conservation Foundation, Madagascar Biodiversity Project, Madagascar Wildlife Conservation, Madagasikara Voakajy, Ministere de l’Environnement ed du Developpement Durable (MEDD), Missouri Botanical Garden, Madagascar National Parks, Ny Tanintsika, Planet Madagascar, Razan’ny Vohibola, SADABE, and VOI Tahindraha.