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Partner Snapshot
Corporación SalvaMontes
- Endangered Species
- Protected Area Management
- Wildlife Conservation
Urgent Appeals:
None currently
Date Founded:
Partner Qualifications:
Legally Constituted
This organization is formally constituted and is a legally recognized non-profit in its country of origin.
About Corporación SalvaMontes
Corporación SalvaMontes is a non-profit organization in Colombia that focuses primarily on the biodiverse extreme north of the Tropical Andes hotspot. Managing 2,900 acres of natural reserves of cloud forests, they safeguard over 16 Threatened species. Their efforts center on the Alto de Ventanas, a significant biologically rich area at Colombia's northern central Andes. This region holds prominence in Colombia's updated National Strategy for Plant Conservation. Furthermore, it's a proposed Key Biodiversity Area as per IUCN criteria.
In the Alto de Centanas, Salva Montes manages three reserves spanning 1,900 acres, strategically placed to protect the magnolia trees, Handley's slender opossums, and their habitat remnants. They also manage 123 acres of nature reserve in the Darién Gap of Chocó, protecting the unique and endangered Magnificent butterfly palm. Finally, SalvaMontes also co-manages 880 acres of forest in the highlands of northern-central Antioquia, where they are working to conserve the Critically Endangered Antioquia brushfinch.
Their Challenges
Forests in the Antioquia and Chocó departments of Colombia are in danger of being logged due to the opening of pastures for cattle and illegal wood production. Although these forests are home to a great abundance of biodiversity and several endemic, threatened species, the threat of deforestation continues on.
Their primary challenge in guaranteeing the conservation of Colombia's wildlife is in protecting the most well-preserved fragments of habitat that still remain. THey are also focused on restoring and rewilding the degraded areas of forest in order to reconnect fragments by mending the biological corridors. While restoring forests is very difficult given the region's deforestation trend, it is a highly effective, essential step in fighting the climate and biodiversity crises of today.
Their Approach
SalvaMontes implements its conservation projects in the following ways:
- Creation and management of natural reserves in areas that hold the best remaining habitat fragments
- Restoration of habitat in degraded areas, allowing for the reconnection of habitat fragments and recreation of biological corridors
- Propagation and planting of threatened tree species
- Developing conservation plans for Critically Endangered species like the Antioquia brushfinch, Handley's slender opossum, Ghost monkey orchid (also known as the Lemurella's orchid), Magnificent butterfly palm, and Ventanas magnolia tree.
Working with local people and landowners, SalvaMontes provides environmental education, raises awareness on environmental issues amongst communities, and works alongside locals in conservation action and sustainable development.
Why They Need Your Help
Currently, SalvaMontes is executing a conservation project to support the restoration of the natural populations of Magnolia trees. Activities include the monitoring of trees, the collection and germination of seeds in a tree propagation nursery, and the planting of produced trees in their natural habitat. This project will also help the expansion of Los Magnolios Natural Reserve through the purchase of a neighboring land parcel that has a large area of primary forests (608 acres), which will secure habitat for the species that inhabit this protected area. SalvaMontes depends on generous donations to continue their essential conservation work in Colombia. Your donation is used to support actions that produce a direct, positive impact in the conservation of threatened species and their habitats in Colombia.
Conservation Allies charges no overhead fees or administration costs, meaning 100% of your donation goes directly to the Partner or Project of your choice. All donations made from the United States are fully tax-deductible.